Saturday, April 28, 2007


1. I am stressed out trying to deliver the things I couldn't deliver on time to my former job
2. My new job is demanding me to give so much more, and I am willing to do it but this will force me to reengineer my whole life
3. I am trying to commit myself to my duties on church, and it demands me more effort
4. The whole process of improving myself makes me feel better, but it is also killing me... I am feeling tired
5. Perhaps, just like the Bible says, it is time for me to die so I can reborn and then be just what it takes to fulfill my new challenges...

PS: Don't ask me why, but this week I thought of him again, and I missed him :(

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Thanks for the memory :)

I've been longing for a nice, warm kiss. I finally had it: brief but tender. I may never see him again, for he lives miles away, south from here. But I'll keep the soft touch of his lips over mine.